How AI is revolutionizing PTSD treatment: Insights from Omer Golan, founder and CEO of MyWhatIf

According to Mental Health America, approximately 20.78 percent of adults experienced a mental illness in 2019-2020, and more than half (54.7 percent) of adults with a mental illness did not receive treatment, with financial barriers being a significant reason.1 Recent research highlights how artificial intelligence (AI) is significantly enhancing the accessibility of mental healthcare, including diagnosis, therapy and treatment, while also reducing biases for individuals with autism and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).2

In a conversation with MATTER CEO Steven Collens, Omer Golan, founder and CEO of MyWhatIf, discussed how AI fits into the mental healthcare landscape, how MyWhatIf’s two programs — one for veterans suffering with PTSD and another for cancer patients and their families with PTSD — provide AI-based tools to support mental health and more.

Read on for insights from the conversation.

Insight One: Small shifts in personal narratives can significantly impact daily life.

Changing how we perceive situations can transform how we engage with them. During the webinar, Golan shared an anecdote about a friend’s son who is on the autism spectrum. Before the diagnosis, the father felt angry and frustrated with his son’s behavior, struggling to manage it. However, once his son was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, the father’s perception shifted, leading to a positive change in their relationship.

Insight Two: “What if” questions can unlock new and novel possibilities.

Often referred to as “The Miracle Question” in therapeutic contexts, these questions encourage individuals to imagine radical changes and envision a different future. By asking, “What if things could be better?” or “What if I could overcome this challenge?”, people can break free from limiting beliefs and explore potential solutions. This tool was particularly helpful for Golan during his recovery from PTSD, as it allowed him to shift his mindset and open himself up to new possibilities for healing and growth.

Insight Three: AI is opening new frontiers for scalable personalized care.

Golan explains that, through clinical trials and data-driven insights, MyWhatIf offers users the opportunity to reimagine and reshape their life trajectories. MyWhatIf learns about its users — their values, history and key moments — and revisits past “What if” scenarios to help users understand how their lives might have unfolded differently and the meaning they’ve derived from the paths they’ve chosen. By leveraging AI, MyWhatIf provides deeply personalized reflections, empowering individuals to gain insights into their decisions and explore new possibilities for their future.

Watch the full event below to learn more about the future of mental health and PTSD treatment.


  1. Mental Health America, “The State of Mental Health in America,” 2023.
  2. Psychology Today, “Is AI the Key to Improving Mental Healthcare Accessibility?,” 2023.

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