MATTER turns 10!

MATTER’s mission is to accelerate the pace of change of healthcare, and we’ve been doing that now for 10 years. Since we first opened in 2015, we have supported 1,000 healthcare and life sciences startups, built a community of 60,000 entrepreneurs, executives, investors and other experts committed to improving health and healthcare and created hundreds of collaborations between startups and the broader healthcare industry.

This past year was a particularly significant one for us, as we began working with the federal government to help the United States become more resilient in the event of future public health emergencies, such as pandemics or biological attacks. MATTER became the digital health hub of the BARDA Accelerator Network, a part of the Federal Department of Health and Human Services. Under this umbrella, we launched an accelerator for early-stage companies and announced that we will be funding product validation studies for digital health startups developing emergency medical countermeasures.

Last year we also moved into temporary facilities as we transition to our new home for the next decade — a beautiful, state-of-the-art facility designed to foster collaborations with innovators and entrepreneurs in Chicago and around the world.

Thanks to all of you who have been part of this journey for the last 10 years — the entrepreneurs, executives, investors, scientists, doctors, patients, philanthropists, visionaries, innovators and heroes who have worked with us to advance the technologies we need to improve health and healthcare. Thanks most of all to the extraordinary MATTER team who make all of it possible. I look forward to another decade of innovation, collaboration and transformation.

Read our year-in-review.