‘Print your own body part’ and the future of 3D printing in medicine


Photo Caption: “Print Your Own Body Part” Phil Velasquez, Kristen Norman / Blue Sky

Vismed-3D CEO Dima Elissa, spoke about the possibilities of 3D modeling in the area of knee replacements, allowing surgeons to more exactly tailor a replacement to a patient. “Today, we have maybe eight flavors that your surgeon can pick from. Eight generic models. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty different from you, and my knee is probably not going to measure up to [yours].”

When Vismed-3D CEO Dima Elissa talks 3D printing, she’s usually thinking bigger picture than a printed phone case or keychain. Elissa’s company is a research and consulting firm that creates anatomical replicas, prosthetics and devices. Elissa presented at a Chicago Ideas Week lab at healthtech incubator Matter titled “Print Your Own Body Part,” where she discussed the present and future of 3D printing and medicine, and let attendees scan themselves for 3D replicas.

Article originally appeared on Chicago Tribune, Blue Sky Innovation