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Listen: Parkview and public health officials discuss access to care for mothers and children

June 7, 2022

Creating healthier moms and babies: Improving access to care

Though there has been increased attention to maternal and child health, significant improvements still need to be made to increase access to quality healthcare. A lack of access to consistent, high-quality and affordable healthcare increases the risk and severity of chronic conditions, healthcare costs, the risk of poor health outcom…

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Listen: Nelson Dunlap shares how to harness data to improve health equity

March 4, 2022

Satcher Health Leadership Institute Chief of Staff Nelson Dunlap explains data’s role in advancing health equity

To close the gaps within health equity, we must consciously design and develop technologies to be inclusive, and that begins with the data. You can’t fix what you can’t measure. Satcher Health Leadership Institute at Morehouse School of Medicine recently launched the Health Equity T…

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Listen: Leaders from Parkview Health and Brainlab join MATTER and Hillrom to discuss how operating rooms will evolve over the next two decades

December 21, 2021

How will operating rooms enable more efficient, more effective and less risky surgeries over the next two decades? Parkview Health VP of Virtual Health Max Maile and Brainlab Digital OR Director Florian Moser discuss these questions and more in a conversation moderated by Hillrom Global Surgical Solutions Director of Clinical and Market Insights Kirsten Emmons.

“On one hand, there’s this drive…

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Listen: Brant Cooper discusses uncertainty, accelerating corporate innovation and creating resilient organizations

December 15, 2021

New York Times bestselling author and founder and CEO of Moves the Needle sits down with MATTER

Due to the rapid pace of technological innovation in the digital age, massive structural change is happening throughout society. Faced with increasing complexity and endless disruption, company organization, systems and management are still largely based on what was most efficient in the Industrial …

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Listen: Trustmark, Aon and Teladoc Health discuss how virtual care is changing the game for self-insured employers and employees

November 30, 2021

According to a 2021 McKinsey & Company survey, telehealth utilization has stabilized at levels 38X higher than before the pandemic, and around 40 percent of people believe they will continue to use telehealth going forward. On November 9, Trustmark Chief Digital and Strategy Officer Christopher Paquette moderated a conversation with Teladoc Health SVP and General Manager of Primary Care Rob…

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